Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Writing a show pilot bible

So the managers I'm working with submitted my sitcoms to a few producers and now they're looking to send it out to more people. So they've asked us to write a bible. If you don't know what that is, it's basically what the producers will read to get an idea of what your show is. Now, I've pitched sitcoms in person and I knew a bible was pretty much the same thing. But I'd never sent a bible to anyone. So I knew I had to do it the right way. Luckily for the internet! I quickly came across a website that I found very helpful so thought I'd post that for anyone else that might need some guidance. Written by Lucy V Hay, I felt she really knew what she was saying and in an easy to follow way. So here ya go! Hope it's helpful to you too!


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

What do you do with grand opportunities?

So today I was talking to someone I love dearly and he has this amazing opportunity to work with this huge artist. I'm being vague to protect the innocent, and not so innocent. But let's just say, you and I would give our right arms to be in this person's position. Now he's always wanted to do grander things with his career, and as lucky as he is, it's not the grand vision he sees. Another larger company came along and spoke to the artist he's working with an offered to do this same thing he'd love to be doing. The artist turned them down. I told this person I love, then you do it! And guess what? He got mad. Not a little mad, but didn't want to talk about it mad.

Now, he'll tell you that it was crazy thinking of me to even suggest what I suggested. But I'll tell you why I did and what I hope you can learn from this. Working and careers are all about relationships. This person I love is already working with these people. He already has a confidence and a trust built in. What if he does suggest this grander vision and they say yes? Sure they could say no. But they could say yes! And then guess what? Then he'd have his grander vision come to life! They already like him. They already trust him. What if hearing this from him just makes sense to them?

How many times in life do we sit by the sidelines in these amazing settings ourselves and just don't take those risks? But what do we stand to lose? A person saying no? Big deal. We'll get over it. It's not like this person he's working with is going to fire him for asking. Even if they say no, it would be no skin off their backs. Things would just continue as they are. But he stands to gain so much more if he just asks and takes that small risk.  

So take a look at your own life. Are there positions you're in that you can ask for that next grander vision? Do you think, no way in heck could I ask that from that person? But is there really a real reason or is it just your fear? Fear is such a huge road block. But if we don't get past it, we are living life on the other side of our dreams! One of my favorite quotes is by Neale Donald Walsh about this. "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone". No one said going past that comfort zone would be easy. Life threatening? Never. Scary? Perhaps. But literally, you have nothing to lose! So push past that comfort zone. You just might surprise yourself what open doors await.