So I finally got to talk to this one producer that has produced an indie I really liked. I was referred to him from a friend of mine. He's her brother-in-law. So she was nice enough to talk to him for me, and he was happy to talk to me today. I told him what was going on with my outline we pitched to the big production company, and that we got it to another big one. So he said, he wanted to hear it.
I'm sort of new at pitching still. But when we pitched our idea to the big production company, my writing partner showed me how calm you should be when you pitch. How you just really have to be yourself. And just tell the story as if you were telling a friend, likes it's about a movie you just saw. So I did the same with him. And he really liked the idea!
Sow now he's reading the outline, and if he likes it, then he's got an idea of this big female producer he wants to get it to. I looked her up on imdb, and she's got really nice credits! I'd be thrilled if she was involved. And he told me she's a power house in the "biz" and she's connected to all the big powerhouse female producers. I looked up one of the ones he mentioned, and she had a list of awesome films to her name too!
So I got off the phone just giddy! If this was a musical, I probably would have been tap dancing around the house with a cane, synchronized dancers coming up behind me on a lit up stair case! It was really great news, and just what I needed today.
So just goes to show you, you never know what good news is right around the corner. Or that there are awesomely nice producers out there. Can't wait to see what happens!
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