Yay! It was supposedly going to be in January. Here we are April. Oh well. I'm just glad we finally had it. He actually called me that morning, 10:30, and said, my lunch plans got cancelled. I know it's last minute. Can you meet? I was going to make it work no matter what. I was waiting for this since January! So said yes, and rushed to get ready. Rushed! I had been at spin class that morning and was sitting in my workout gear. So was not ready for a producer lunch! It was raining harder than I think it's ever rained in LA. Ever! But whatever that would not stop me.
So we met for lunch. Had a nice time hanging out. Luckily I know him through a friend that he dated years back. So we already have a comfort level that I just wouldn't otherwise. So it makes it a little less stressful. Not all, but less. But once we started chatting I instantly felt at ease. He seems like a great guy so super excited to be working with him. So after our lunch, he starts telling me, these are the ideas I think I want to do. He gets that my strong suit is high concept comedy. So he tells me a few angles he can see going with a feature. I instantly sort of glom on to one direction, so tell him my spin on it and he loves it!
So now I'm brainstorming and seeing what my take can be on it. I'm coming up with two different ways the story could go, that way if he doesn't like one, perhaps he'll like the other. Considering bringing it to my writing group tomorrow first to see what they think. Then planning to send his way on Wednesday.
But it's all super exciting. Feel like I'm finally on the "other" side of this writing journey. He told me his one writer friend emails him ideas every single day. So not that I'll go that crazy. But it's nice to know the door is open and I can send him ideas whenever they come to me. Maybe I won't even wait till Wednesday to send. Maybe I should just trust my own judgement and send them when I feel they're ready. We'll see. Just thrilled I'm finally at this point and can't wait to see where else it will go.
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