Monday, November 18, 2013

In honor of Syd Field

So there was news today of Syd Field passing this weekend at the age of 77. I never met the guy, but read his screenwrting books. And it wasn't till I heard he passed, that I realized I owe the man a lot. It was he and Robert McKee that taught me my very first steps in how to write a script. I remember sitting by my computer, with Syd Field's books open next to Robert McKee's as I typed what I thought would be the best thing ever written. LOL Okay, maybe I didn't. But I thought it might be worthy of something. Turns out it was only worthy of teaching me how to write a script. But we all have to start somewhere. And if it weren't for teachers like him, we never would have had something on the page to do our first rewrite, or to get comfortable enough in the craft to learn new styles, to learn our voice. So the news of Syd Field passing is a sad one for me. I wish I had thought of taking the time to thank him. I'm sure many will feel the same. RIP.

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