So I mentioned at some point that I was doing a huge page 1 rewrite for a big production company. It's very exciting and with their ability to get it to anyone, this could be a great opportunity to see something produced with big names staring in it. So when I finished the rewrite, I was very happy with it. But then I realized, wait, no one else has seen it! So how do I know the producers will agree? I emailed my agent friend at ICM and said, what do I do? If I send it to writers for notes, they'll give me notes that could be completely opposite of what the producers want! That would be so counterproductive. He agreed with me and said only send it to someone that's checking to see if you missed anything and to give you an idea of the read. No notes! So that's what I did. I have two writer friends that I know can read it constructively but also are not looking to rip apart every thing I created. So if you have someone like that too, cherish them!
So I got my script to these two friends. They gave me raving thumbs ups, and then off to the producers it went. Now for the hard part, waiting! And here I thought the writing it would be the hard part! Guess it's good that I'm finishing up a rewrite with a writing partner to keep me busy!
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