So my friend sends me this story today, that was sent to her. We had been talking about focusing on the things you're grateful for, because if you do, then more of that comes into your life. Then she gets this story sent to her that says that exact thing. It's a story about a parachuter and as he's heading towards the ground, he sees a big tree right in his way, he keeps focusing on that huge tree, wishing he wouldn't hit it, but of course he lands right in the tree! The instructor tells him once he's on the ground, do you know why you landed in the tree? The guy answers, yes, it was right there, I was heading right for it! The instructor goes on to say, no, you were focusing on it, so that's why you hit it. If you focus on a tree, then yes, you'll land in it, there was plenty of open land for you, but you focused on the tree.
And the story goes on to say that this works for life too. So if you focus on all the lack of success or how hard it is for your writing career to take off, or all the contests you're not winning, and no director emails me back after my queries, well, guess what's going to happen? Yup! Exactly what you're focusing on!
So focus on your successes, no matter how small. And set your sights for what's on its way, things that you want to come into your life. Success! Eye that open land ahead of you instead of that big tree you're about to hit. Just remember, you're only getting snagged in your career if that's what you focus on. Happy landings!
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