Okay, let me explain. Years and years ago when I was having one of those "OMG I shouldn't be writing!" moments in my life, I was in Bali, because aren't all writers? Okay, maybe not. But I was traveling around the world for a year, and I almost considered not traveling because I was so afraid any time away from writing meant my career would take that much longer. Now I'm so glad I went and didn't miss out on that trip. Because I've learned since that every life experience can only help our writing. But that's another post! So back to the flute man. So I'm in Bali and my travel friend isn't feeling good so she stays back at our hotel. So I go out clubbing with two nice guys I met at the beach that day.
So we hit this happening club where everyone was no older than 30, most probably closer to 20. And I see this older man, maybe in his 60's, with a long gray ponytail, and he's in tye-die like a lot of the travelers and he's dancing all by himself having the time of his life. Most of the people were avoiding him, kind of chuckling at this older dude at this club. And I say to my friends, that guy is so happy, I'm going to dance with him. Because when I see anyone living their life the way that's true to their own purpose and is full of joy, I want to know them.
So I start dancing with him. And he looks at me and goes, "You're going through something." That went right through me! Because just that day on the Bali beaches I was telling my friends, "I don't know, maybe this writing thing won't happen, maybe I need to quit." And I was really doubting if this path was right for me. Because all us writers doubt if we should be writing at some point, maybe many points! And I'm dancing with this older dude and he tells me just what I was thinking that day! OMG! It was a sign! And he continues, "You need to believe in yourself. You're going to succeed. Follow your dreams." Wow! The universe sent me a sign! Okay, maybe you don't believe in that stuff, maybe you do. But guess what, I do. And that day, I definitely did. Becuase no way could this man have known what I was saying to my friends on the beach that day. And no one at the club wanted anything to do with this man, but I did, I was drawn to his energy. And because I trusted my instincts about him, he told me the message I needed to hear. And every time over the years I've doubted myself, I remember the flute man. He keeps me going on my path to follow my dreams and believe in myself when I don't know if I can any longer.
So maybe you don't have a flute man. But maybe yours is a teacher who believes in you, or a spouse, or a best friend, or a contest you advance in or a wind that blows a certain way. Whatever it is, find the thing that keeps you on your path. Because it's your dream! And only you know why you were meant to be a writer. And you have to tell your story. And now here I am and my first movie got made and is coming out in the theaters this year and is premiering at Cannes! If I stopped believing in myself all those years ago, that wouldn't be happening! I would have stopped before the thing I wanted ever happened! So keep at it!
If you haven't found your flute man, then I'm hoping this post can be that for you. Believe in yourself and your dream! And keep writing.
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