So tomorrow night 5 Weddings opens worldwide in 52 countries. You'd think that would be exciting right? Well, as a writer, I have to say, there's nothing scarier for me. See, what I love about writing is writing. But whenever people see my work, I know I'm putting myself and my hard work out for the world to see and to judge. And that is not really fun for me. So what's a writer to do?
Well, one producer friend suggested, just enjoy that I got a film made. That's no easy thing. With all the movies we see get made, you'd think maybe that's not a big deal. But really, with all the screenwriters, there really are a lot of very successful writers that don't even get a film made. So that's a really big deal and something to be happy about.
Then, that producer also suggested, my friends and family are all coming to see the movie and all excited for me. Enjoy that! What we writers forget with each step is to enjoy those moments. What's the point if we don't let ourselves enjoy these moments? So no matter what I'm thinking about people seeing it and wondering what they'll think, I have to let myself enjoy the whole experience. Enjoy that friends are there, they are happy for me. That's something!
Also, I'm listening to a book on tape, by Brene Brown, Rising Strong. And she has done a lot of Ted Talks and had talks on youtube and her suggestion is about the fact that a lot of people have opinions. But they personally don't put work out there to be judged, they just judge others. So her opinion is if your opinion on my work matters, then you have to put your work out there too. If you're just judging and not putting work out there, then your opinion DOES NOT matter. I love that! So this goes for movie critics and reviewers. It's sure easy to sit in the comfort of your home and judge someone else's screenwriting and film directing. But are those same people actually writing and directing? Nope. So even though I worry about being judged. I'm at least in the game. And that isn't something every person can say. And for that, I deserve a pat on the back!
So sure, other people might be super excited for me that my film is out tomorrow. And I promise I will try to enjoy it, every nerve-wracking moment.
Thank you for nice post
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