Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Can you live your greatness?

So when reading an article on Huffington Post today, I came across an article in the Healthy Living section by Jeanette Cajide. I was instantly struck by what she had to say for many reasons. One, she mentioned Lady Gaga and how even in college she was telling people she knew she would be famous. I know many people personally who have thought this way and seen them go on to greatness themselves. I've also known people through people who have done this.

For one, Steven Tyler of Aerosmith. Jeanette even quotes something he used to say. And I know this not just because I read an article. But because my husband worked with him for a year as a producer on their Aerosmith Behind The Music. And why my husband ended up the producer of that show, is all about placing his faith in his own greatness. Because when he started on the show he was only the assistant producer. But the real producer was busy and didn't have time to go back and forth to Boston. I knew right then and there, that this was going to be the start of my husband's successful producing career. And I was right.

My husband wasn't sure he was ready to live up to the challenge. But I told him, "If you believe in yourself, you will watch a wonderful life unfold for you." He had the talent. He just needed to be given the opportunity to shine. Sure enough, after only one time meeting Aerosmith, they loved my husband and asked that he be the one that does the rest of the interviews. Just as I suspected it would happen. And while he was working with them, filming them, following them, Steven told my husband that before they were famous, he told himself, "Fake it till you make it." And Steven Tyler did. And look at the career he ended up with.

My husband too. He's worked with so many high-up musicians, it's been a dream come true for him. And each year he works with more and bigger artists. It's all about believing in yourself, even if you don't see the opportunities yet. It's all about having the faith and living as if it's coming.

And that goes for us writers. If you believe it, then it will happen. But put the work in. I always emphasize this. It's not just believing it and then going out to the gym or taking a nap. You've got to have the talent and the hard work to back it up. And then, have the faith to make it all come together.

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