Saturday, December 1, 2012

Tonight I stumbled upon an article by Lisa Selow on the website She talks to women about following their own destiny, but really, as writers, I feel like this can be meant for all of us. This was the year that I decided not to care as much if my friends didn't see me. This was the year where I finally said "no" to volunteering for everything my son was signed up for. This is the year where I put my writing first! Because that's my destiny and if I don't put it first, no one else will. A lot of what Lisa writes about is being a really positive person in all aspects of life and well, that's who I am too. But I think when you decide to be that way, you're already feeling so positive about the world, that it's easier to be self-loving and treat yourself better. I'm sure I have more wiggle room to keep putting my writing first. I do fall back into old ways where my mommy guilt gets in the way and I start to feel like I need to entertain my son instead of write and let him be the self-sufficient 9-year-old that he is. But it's a balance. Being a writer and having personal relationships isn't easy. The right amount of time we balance between spending it with our fictional characters and the real ones that love us. It's not easy. But I'm guessing the more we work at it, the better we'll get. So here's Lisa's article for anyone who's interested. I hope you enjoy it like I did.

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