Sunday, October 23, 2016

And then it happened

So, I was hired over 10 years ago by a producer to write a script idea of hers. She had me write the script in two weeks. That was hell. Two weeks?! But she needed it, so I got it done. Here we are, over 10 years later, many, many rewrites later, many writers brought on and left, and it finally got made! So what did I learn from all of this?

First, when you're done writing a script, forget about it and start something new. I heard that many times from professional writers. It's true! I've written so many scripts since and thank god. Because if I waited for this to get made, I would have pulled my hair out.

Second, things can take time in this business. When I went to a WGA event with some big wig writer speaking, he said it took him over 10 years for his career to blossom. I was like, oh hell no, it better not take me that long! It's taken me longer. But if you're in this for the right reason, which is because you love to write, then just keep writing and stay in for the long haul.

Third, it was fun seeing my movie get made! I only went to one of the days on the set. They filmed three days in LA. I stayed as long as I was allowed. Then they go to India to film the rest. I'm not going. I was on sets years ago when I was in college and before I knew I was interested in being a writer. Back then I used to think being on a set was boring. Now that I love screenwriting, seeing my film was the coolest thing ever! Hearing actors read your piece, very cool. Seeing crew set up to film your movie, cool! Seeing craft services set up, for your movie, even cooler! Those are donuts, for my movie. Those are chips, for my movie. Those are apples, for my movie!

Fourth, seeing actor's faces and names in your movie imdb is really fun! I keep looking. Like wow, people!

Fifth, meeting the stars of your movie is pretty fun! Knowing people signed up because they liked your story and want to be in it, pretty darn cool! Okay, I've said cool a lot, I get it. But what else says that?

Sixth, waiting for the final piece is scary as hell. I have no idea what the movie will turn out to be. As a writer it sure is scary trusting that others will see your vision. You hope it's in the script. But directors and editors might have something else in mind. But, it's getting made. And everyone keeps telling me, that's all that matters. I hope! So in the meantime, I trust the others. And in the meantime, I keep working on all the other scripts I'm writing. Because...I'm in it for the long haul.

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