Thursday, February 9, 2012

All signs point to success

Do you ever feel like life sometimes seems so random? That we make plans and things happen, but that we don't really have control in the outcome? Well, it isn't random. There are things that happen, that we may not understand, that happen for a purpose for us to reach our success. But do you open yourself up so that life can bring you the wonderful things that are waiting for you?

Good things happen to me all the time. People that could propel my career constantly enter my life, and it's not an accident. But people I know are always amazed by it. But I create it by putting those thoughts into my mind, that I'll meet these people, that these doors will be open. And by doing this, and sending these thoughts out into the world, I watch the events that can help me come my way. My producer friend yesterday even said, "You're like this success magnet!" Because people just come into my life at the most oddest and unexpected ways.

Like yesterday, I was at this job seminar, because I'm a freelancer and always looking for new gigs. And I wasn't expecting much out of it. And in fact, I didn't learn anything from it. But I did meet this really awesome TV producer, and a mom who's daughter might be great for my horror film I'm producing. And that's why my friend was in awe. Because I do seem to meet people when others don't. I didn't go to network at this thing at all, but to listen to the speaker. But look what fell into my lap instead.

And I met with the producer for coffee today, because he seemed like a great guy and I wanted to talk to him about future stuff we could work on. So we're going to try and come up with shows we can pitch together. But who would have thought? It's surely not what I expected. But at the same time, I open myself to those kind of things to happen. I'm constantly on the look to see what great things the universe is going to bring me.

So ask yourself, are you open to talking to people you don't know? Do you look for interesting people and if you're drawn to talk to them, do you? Life sometimes puts these people on our paths, but it's up to us to strike up a conversation with them. It's not going to just be handed to us without us making a move.

I remember on one occasion, years and years ago when I was in Bali, I was having this career crises as I wondered if I should pursue screenwriting. I knew it would be a long road to study the craft, and even though I wanted to do it, I wondered if it was really worth it. Wondered if I should just stay the course with advertising instead. I was really torn.

So I go to this nightclub, where there's nothing but young people dancing and getting their drink on. All except for this one 60 year old man, with a silver, long beard and pony tail, playing the flute. He stood out like a sore thumb. But he seemed so happy! Most the kids kind of snickered at him, and ignored him. But I thought, how cool is it that this guy is doing what he loves, with no care in the world. So I told my friends, "I'm going to dance with that guy." I was so impressed with his ease in his own skin. And as soon as I started dancing with him, he tells me in a prophetic way, "You're going through something." I was shocked! How did he know?! He goes on to tell me, "You need to believe in yourself. And if you do, you can achieve anything you want." I couldn't believe it! This man said exactly what I needed to hear. And I agreed then and there that this was no coincidence and I never looked back on my screenwriting. But if I had been like every other person in there, I would have ignored my fate.

So ask yourself, are you ignoring yours? Are there signs in your life that you pretend they didn't happen? And do you ignore your gut feelings to connect with a stranger that says something that really strikes a chord with you, but then you just brush it off as probably something silly. I just want to say, don't! There are sign posts on the path of our life that will guide us to success. But it's up to us to follow them. And if we don't, we will find we've gone the wrong way.

So it's up to you. Do you want to achieve your success or not? You just need to be open to it, and follow the signs.


  1. hmmmm very interesting....agreed...when u really want something whole the whole world conspires for u to achieve it....there is a language of nature which talks to u by signs and omens to achieve your destiny...:)

    1. So true Mubbashir! The world does want us to achieve it. It helps us every step of the way. Even this week I had two successful meetings with producers that would not have happened if I wasn't on this path of seeing this. I love seeing the universe help!
