Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How many scripts does it take to be ready?

It's sort of like that question the owl used to ask in the 1970's Tootsie pop commercial. "How many licks does it take to get to the center of the Tootsie Pop? A-one, a-two, a-three! Crunch!" Well unfortunately it takes more than three scripts. Maybe you're thinking, "But wait, my first script is amazing! Of course I'll be ready after three. Or even after one! I'm a fast learner. Maybe it takes some writers a long time, but not me!" Well, let me tell you, that's most likely not the case.

I just read an article from Terry Rossio. He and his writing partner are the writers of the Pirates Of The Caribbean films, along with many other great films. He said it took he and his partner 13 scripts in five years before they felt ready to get anything out. Here's the link if you'd like to read it. And now he's got huge success. But it took him that long to be ready and good. You can't start out so-so and go to good in this business. When you hit the ground, you hit the ground running.

I even remember early on in my screenwriting career hearing a successful writer at a WGA event say it takes 10 years till you're ready. I remember thinking, oh god no, please not 10 years. I'm ready now! Well, I've been writing over 10 years and have at least 10 scripts give or take. But maybe only two that I would show, and the current one will be even better. So maybe I'll have three by then. Plus of course the indie that should be produced this year. But it really took me that long to be ready.

So before you panic and give up at the thought of it taking that long. Yes, it could take you less time. If you happen to not have a full time job. Or don't have kids or a spouse. Perhaps you are very fortunate to write 24/7 so you can devote all your time to studying your craft. Okay then yes, it won't take you 10 years. But for the rest of us, it's not going to be an overnight success thing.

I always thought of it as someone who wants to go to med school and become a doctor. They don't take one anatomy class and then feel ready to practice medicine. But for some reason, we know being a doctor needs the discipline and years to get good at their practice. But for screenwriting we think we can learn format and then, viola! Oscar worthy script! Sorry. Doesn't work that way. There's so much more to learn beside format. There's subtext. And plots. And high-concept ideas. And...the list goes on and on.

And no, I'm not saying being a screenwriter is as important as being a doctor. But they do say, "laughter is the best medicine". So it's a different kind of health care, right? Okay, maybe not. But it does take time to learn and study till you're ready to go out in the world with your skill, no matter what profession. And screenwriting is no different.

So take your time. Learn your craft. If you truly love writing. 10 years won't matter. You'll be doing it because of the love of writing. If you're looking to make an overnight success. Don't worry, you can, just after 5-10 years. See...I plan to be having my overnight success, any day now.

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