Okay, I don't really wish I was a male writer. But what I do feel, is that this guy is an awesome writer! I had no idea there was really one writer who's career I admired, until now. For those of you who don't know who he is, he's the creator of the newly acclaimed Enlightened on HBO, starring Laura Dern. But he also wrote Nacho Libre, with Jack Black, and School of Rock, again Jack Black. And Jennifer Aniston's indie, The Good Girl. Plus a whole lot more.
Now if you haven't seen Enlightened, please do. I just finished watching the first season on hbogo. And I loved it -- Each episode from start to finish. I'm so sad first season is over because I just want to see what happens next. He does such a great job of creating a character for Laura Dern. He makes her one of those characters that just goofs up in life but really wants to do well. And he puts her in these really uncomfortable settings that makes you feel for her, and reminds you of life. Those moments that we hate so much! That we wish would just go away. So you really root for the lead, even when she's screwing up. The other characters are all great and all acted out so wonderfully. And White stars in his show, plays his usual nebbishy kind of guy that you feel sorry for, but also like because he's just not comfortable in his own skin. It's just an impeccable show. Great job HBO!
And then of course, I'm a huge fan of School of Rock. It's beautiful written comedy 101. Great characters that you love and root for. Great humor. Redeeming story and characters. What's not to love! It's really one of those scripts I wish I had written. And White has a nice role in that too. When I saw him in this, I thought he was only an actor. It wasn't until now did I put things together and realize he was an actor AND writer.
Nacho Libre, may not be everyone's cup of tea. But if you like Jack Black, you'll love it. It's just silly humor that makes you smile.
And The Good Girl, one of those indie films that does such a great job of showing small town America and a wife in a miserable marriage and life, and how she deals with it. Just love the writing. Some people felt it was too dark. But I thought he did such a great job of capturing real life.
I think that's what he's great at in all the films and TV shows I've liked of his. What can I say? I'm a fan! Okay, so I'm not going to become Mike White any time soon. I think my husband would not be happy if I turned into a caucasian man. But I did want to give this talented writer some props. And point him out because perhaps, finding a writer I can admire, means there's some things I can learn from him. It's good to have someone to look up to and aspire to be. And if I can make movies that people like as much as I like in his, then that would be pretty darn cool.
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