How many times as a screenwriter does the "perfect" opportunity pass us up and we just think, how come?! Why me?! Why didn't this wonderful opportunity happen for me!!! Well, I'll tell you. It wasn't your opportunity to be had. I think the sooner we realize that, the better a writer we can become. See, there is a time for when our success will happen. But if we fight that, we are actually almost like the salmon swimming upstream. Only that salmon actually makes it. But for us, we're fighting against our current of success. And it's taking us much longer to get where we want to get. So instead of deciding what success is supposed to be yours, just witness the opportunities that come your way without judgement. And witness the ones that go away, with the same non-judgement. I guarantee you, you will find more success happening sooner when you do that.
Let me give you an example. If anyone has a kid, you'll understand what I'm about to tell you. My son wants these video game toys that we haven't been able to find since before Christmas. I don't care where we look, they don't exist. Online, toy stores, video games stores. Don't exist. So yesterday we found out about a shipment coming in. We were so excited. My son made his list. My husband got there two hours early before the store opened. We were like, yes, we're going to get some! But the store opens and the guy says, "Oh, they actually came a day early and they're all gone." Okay, I know, it's just a toy. But it was what it represented for my son and how many months we've really been looking for these darn things. So at first I'm way bummed. I tell myself, it's just a toy, but I'm still way bummed. But then after a few moments, I really accepted it. I realized, if it's meant to be, we'll find them. If not, there are worst things in the world.
I'm telling you, the moment I did that, something just changed and lifted in the universe. I could almost feel it. So then I start searching online, and I find two of the ones he put on his list! So now I'm like, awesome! I'm feeling better, but still feel the need to find the others. But at this point, I really had let go of the judgement of whether we found these toys or not.
So then we go to the mall just because my son loves walking around there. I tell him, we're not buying anything. He agrees. We go to our usual stores that never have these toys. And at the second store, guess what?! They actually had a whole display of them! That never happens! They literally must have just gotten their shipment in! So we grab two more on his list. I couldn't believe it! Now, before you think I spoil my kid, there's something you need to know, he has to save allowance to pay for these.
But that's besides the point. The point is, I let go of any judgement that went along with it. Would those toys have been there if I had held my judgement? I don't know. That's not what happened though is it. I could just tell that something aligned with me, that the minute I let go of some strong belief and anxiety over this darn toy, that it all worked out for the best.
And that's how we need to think of our screenwriting career as. Yes, we have to work hard, take classes, do the rewrites, join the groups. But...we have to not assign any judgement over when or where our success will happen. If we keep moving forward. Keep learning. Keep working hard. It will happen.
So to inspire you, I'll leave you a few wonderful Beatles lyrics from Let It Be. Every time something in your writing success hasn't happened, really feel and believe these words.
And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree
There will be an answer, let it be
For though they may be parted, there is still a chance that they will see
There will be an answer, let it be
Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
There will be an answer, let it be
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