Monday, November 19, 2012

Looking back

So I started this blog almost a year ago exactly. It was November last year, but on the 28th. I was home in bed sick with my son. Today I write, home in bed, sick with my son. Only today he's sick playing video games and I'm the one stuck in bed. So, there a theme here? Or just flu season? Any way, it's been a great year for my screenwriting, all in all. I just went to a movie screening last week for the big film producer I worked with all year. As of last year this time, I hadn't started working with him. But starting last December, our business relationship kicked off. It's not as fast as I'd like, but alas, we're working together. He's got about four films that he's producing as we speak, so that's keeping him pretty busy. Last week he invited me to a friends and family screening of his current movie that will be coming out next year. The year before, I would not have been invited to that. So that shows, it's definitely been a great year and moving things forward. I also just wrote a TV spec and am getting it to the creators of Up All Night. Turns out I have a friend who is best friends with the creator. Who knew?! I've also finished the script for the indie producer that is supposedly getting produced soon. This year soon? Early next year soon? Who knows. It's done at least. After five years of writing, rewriting, other writers coming on, coming back to me, I've finally finished the latest draft that has made it filming ready. So now the rest is up to the producer. I've also been in talks with a management company to rep me. They're reading my scripts and we'll see what happens from there. So to sum it up, that's not a bad year. I guess sometimes being forced to lay in bed and rest is a good thing for me. Especially this year, I feel like I am burning candles at six ends, not just two. So sometimes the only thing that will get me to slow down is when I am sick and forced to relax. I keep thinking one of these days I'll learn how to rest before that happens. It hasn't happened yet. I've got two weeks before my next writer's group. We're taking a holiday break. I am in dire need of some rewriting of my first draft of my latest comedy and I think the holiday might be a good time to do that. As we move towards the new year, ask yourself where you are in your writing. Have you reached the goals you set for yourself? And if not, then are you getting closer? What else can you do to reach those goals? Believe me, my goals haven't been met yet. But I am getting closer, and as they do, I see that I am inching closer to seeing my dreams realized. And it's nothing short of awesome!!!

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