Maybe some of you know what LOA is, but for those who don't, let me explain. It stands for Law of Attraction. Those who swear by it, which I am one, say that whatever we think, brings more of that to us. So if we're in a great mood, good things come to us. Bad mood and complaining about everything we see, then more things to complain about come into our life. The book The Secret talks about it, which you've most likely heard or read about by now.
So why am I talking about it in a screenwriting blog? Because I believe in it and I swear it's why I have had the successes I have had up until now. And it's why I will continue to have more and more successes. It's why I've had doors open for me that friends in the business are like, how in the world did you get to THAT person?! LOA. But I don't want to be an LOA hog. I want to share! So that's why I feel like I need to write about it. Because guess what? LOA states that if we share our joy, then more things to be joyful come into our lives!
The thing is, you can deny it and say nah, none of this happens. You're a hippie dippie fool believing in fairy land. And that's fine. You have your opinion. But if you don't see your career flourishing the way you want, then what do you have to lose? Or maybe you have success and you think, "I don't believe in LOA and look how great my career has been!" But it's possible you have been thinking in LOA principles without even knowing what they are.
But what if for a moment, you accept and believe in LOA when it comes to your writing. I mean, if anyone needs to, it's us writers. We're hard on ourselves and constantly doubt if we'll succeed, wondering when and if the world will ever love our talent. Does that seem like it will bring success if we keep thinking like that? Not in the LOA world. But what if by changing your thoughts, accepting only the positive about yourself, you actually saw your career flourish? I mean, what have you got to lose? I'm not saying to be blind and foolish if all you're hearing are negative things about your writing. But if you have the desire to be a successful writer, then you should be! LOA proponents even say if we have the desire, then the universe is just waiting to bring that to us. All we need to do is get out of our way by believing it. That the more we doubt and fight our success, and the more we complain about not being where we want to be in our career, the more we keep the universe from bringing our success to us.
Look, even science agrees in LOA, because there are numerous studies that say we are energy and that like attracts like. Just as good thoughts bring good, bad thoughts bring bad. So it's not just the hippies that are on to this. The scientists agree! So shouldn't screenwriters?! Why not see what happens if you consider it? Try for a week and see what happens. See what comes into your world. You have nothing to lose, really. Exept maybe a stalled career. And isn't that what you wanted any way?
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