We've heard many times in our life, whether it be from a school teacher, or perhaps a parent, maybe even a coach, "Focus!" Which pretty much means, use your thoughts and place them on one thing. As writers, we need to do the same thing. So I ask you, when you sit down to write, are you focused? Or are you all over the place? Are you allowing other things to get in the way of you writing? In order to succeed you've got to have one focus. We think multi-tasking is a good thing, but studies show that people who multi-task end up not doing anything well.
But being a writer takes a lot of discipline. It's not just sit down and type away. If only it was that easy. It means turning off the TV, not going out with friends on many occasions, and holing yourself up to get those words on the page. You've got to make your writing the most important thing if you want a career.
Then there's also focusing on one style of writing. Is it comedies, dramas, sitcoms? Sure you can expand as you feel like you've learned a style. I sure have. But if you don't get good at one genre, then you'll never have a body of work, which means you most likely won't get hired or sell anything either.
If you feel like you've focused on your writing, have you also focused on getting your scripts to the right people? I admit, that's one of my weaknesses. Yes, I'm admitting this to whomever happens to read this. I'm great at sitting down and writing, but getting it out? Not so good. But what help is writing a great script if no one is reading it but a writing group and a few friends? Are you better at this than me? Do you make a weekly or daily list of who to send your scripts to? Then do you actually follow through?
I just read an article on things that millionaires do for success. And one of the things it said was that every week they created a list of a few really key things they have to achieve that week. Then every morning or night of every day, they created a to-do list to help them reach those goals. And then each Friday, they do it again so that by Monday, they do it again! I really like that and think it will help me focus.
See, if we don't have a focus, we really have nothing. We're all over the map. And no career can reach success if we're not focused. So ask yourself if you're focused and if you're not then be honest with yourself and ask what can you do to get you there. I'm sure you can do it. It just takes well, focus.
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