I don't know about you but when it comes to writing all I want to do is write the scenes and the dialogue. But there's so much more to writing than just writing. There's outlines. Which are so important. Sure some people think they can write without them. But once I finally realized how important they were, I think I shaved off about ten rewrites per script. My first drafts are now more like 5th drafts.
There's entering contests. For new writers, how else are you going to get noticed? And you can tell where you fit in amongst your peers when you end up a finalist. But keeping up on all the due dates, fellowships that need cover letters. It's a lot to keep track of.
Then of course there's queries for new writers. Which producers to contact, which managers, which directors. Then once you have, do you need to follow up? Should there be a schedule to it? It's a full time job! But it must be done.
Then of course there's a ton of writing events to go to. I don't even go to them any more because I felt like I was spending too much time going to events. But sometimes there's networking events. And I'm horrible about attending them. But really, you never know if you could meet someone that could further your career. Maybe if I went to more I'd be farther along in my career.
But none of this includes the actual writing of the scripts. Which to me is why we writers love writing. I don't know any writers who got into writing because of the love of entering contests though or the love of writing a great synopsis. But it's all part of it. It's the business side. And it must be done if you ever want a career. And I'm pretty sure that's what we're all hoping for.
So the fact is we must find the time for this stuff too. Too bad we can't hire an intern who wants to work with a someday future screenwriting star! Hmmm....perhaps a Craigslist job post is in order for that! Okay not really. But sure would be nice to have some help with that stuff. Oh well, till then, I guess it's up to us to further our own careers. Onward and upward!
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