There's a joke amongst some of the writers and creative types I work with that we are all ADHD and if one thing distracts us we're like a dog on a walk who is happily about to piss on a tree, when we see a "Squirrel!" and completely forget what we were about to do. The fact is I think most creative types have some form of ADHD. I think it's what makes us talented creatives. And writers are no exception. We're constantly coming up with new ideas, new stories, new things we want to write and create. So what's a writer to do when they actually want to finish something we've started? I'm not exactly sure sometimes.
But I think the best plan of action is to make a plan. For instance, I'm contacting new producers and querying about some of my new pieces I've written, which is like a full time job. I just got notes on my latest comedy script that I need to implement. Plus I have two show bibles due to a manager so she can pitch my shows. Plus I found some really great ways to fix some past scripts. Plus I'm working on a new script with one of my writing partners. Plus I have a new idea I want to write. And of course, more ideas I want to write. Plus I actually want to enter some contests this year, which I never do. So keeping up on what's due and when it's due is enough to drive a writer batty. Argh! It's enough to make my mind spin! I almost feel like I could have a panic attack thinking about it all. So, here's how I handle it and hopefully it can help you too.
1. What's the most important thing on the list that has to get done. Do that first. If it's a contest with a due date, then send that in. Gather all the pieces you need and enter.
2. Which script really needs to be written first. Yes as writers we always want to be writing new pieces. But we're only one person. So don't write too many at a time. Otherwise you just might not end up with anything!
3. For me, I never send out queries. I must admit it's my downfall as a writer. But if I don't do that, then no one's going to know I even exist. So that's a huge must on my priority list. It might not be on yours. But I'm trying to put that before writing scripts right now.
4. Is there anything that's more pressing than others? Like for instance, the piece I'm writing with the partner, she's super excited we're working on this so that makes that something I need to work on. It forces me to put some time in it every week. Sure there are other pieces I could write too, but this one is calling her name, so it's calling mine.
5. Don't get distracted by things that don't matter! Clean laundry on the couch? It's clean, does it have to get put away instead of writing those pages? Not really. Do you really need to update your Facebook every time you go somewhere instead of writing a query? Not really, people don't have to know you got a cappuccino today. The more you lessen non-important distractions the less they become distractions. Only you have the power of what to focus on. Make your writing career your priority and the universe will join you.
So those are my tips. I hope they help. Now I need to go send out some queries and maybe take a walk to fend off my panicking! Oh yeah, which is my next tip, go for a walk when you need to destress!
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