Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Writers kill babies

So if you're a screenwriter, you've been in a writing group at some point. And you know that some of them can be ruthless, with a capital R! Well, if you're like me, you want to get better as a writer, but you don't want to do with the nasty comments that might go along with it. So what's a writer to do? Well I've been in many writing groups, and I've learned a lot along the way. So thought I could share some of those things I've learned.

I'm starting a new writing group with other friends who are also tired of those ruthless writers. Unfortunately, my writer friends are there without me tonight. From my previous posts, you've seen I've been home sick for days. So they are meeting tonight deciding what we want from our new writing group. It's just without me. Darn! Hate being the girl left at home. But hey, body aches win out. We've sort of emailed already some ideas, and I can tell we're all on the same page. The rest of my ideas will have to be emailed after I hear what they all decide. All I do know, is ruthless and mean will be off the table.

So how do you know if you're getting into one of those writing groups? You don't. There's no way. Only time will tell. And even then, sometimes you still have to put up with it until you find another group. I've been in about three writing groups over the years, and now this new one will be the 4th. And when there has been people like that with their negative remarks, I've learned just to tune it out. As long as you're getting helpful comments from the rest of the group, those negative comments are like the wind to me. I know they're there, but they mean nothing to me.

And I'm not talking about negative comments that make my script better. Those are helpful. I'm talking about ones that are mean-spirited, nasty, and probably don't help my script at all. There's always a way to give feedback, but that way, just turns off the listener. I've found that from the people who are like that, it says more about them than the script. So far the people who seem that way tend to be single guys with no relationship and are bitter about it and life. So I feel for them. But on the same hand, I or any writer, does not benefit from script notes that way! Call me crazy, but I like my notes to be given gently. Sort of like visiting a dentist. Painless please!

Now in case someone doesn't know why I titled this "writers kill babies", we writers refer our works of art as our babies, especially our favorite scenes or jokes. We birthed them from our psyche! So no writer enjoys having their babies killed. The worst part, is these writers that give negative comments, yeah well, they kill everything! Not just the babies.

Now the good things about a writing group? Well, that can be a whole other post. So, stay tuned. I'm sure you're waiting with baited breath!

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