Tuesday, March 20, 2012

When is a script like another?

What do we do when we are in the middle of writing a script and then find out a movie is coming out that seems waaaay similar to what we're writing? First off, we cry. Okay, maybe not out loud. But of course your heart sinks. Then remind yourself, this is a good thing. You're obviously coming up with Hollywood type material, and that's never bad. Then really figure out if it's that similar and if you really have to scrap what you're writing.

Perhaps it's only a tad similar, as if in the world, but not story. I mean, there are a million ways to tell a love story. A million ways to tell Romeo and Juliet. But you probably can't redo say, Godfather if it's exactly THAT story. So it's up to you, how much is it the same? Of course turn to your trusted writer friends and ask for their honest opinion. If there's some wiggle room to keep writing, then do.

You never know. Even if it is way too similar it could end up being a good writing sample and perhaps get you some attention at film contests and land you a writing gig eventually. But if you think it's a waste of your time, which is might be, then that's when you decide to throw in the towel.

Just remember, it's never waste to write something that makes you a strong writer. Every script you write, gets you closer and closer to making it in the real world. If it's not this one, then perhaps it's the next. Just keep moving forward. That's all you can do.

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