As a writer, I often find it hard to find the time to write as much as I'd like. But this year, I think I have been making a lot of more time for it. But that means at the expense of seeing friends for lunches or movies. I feel like a social outcast! But then I remember, wait, I'm a writer, I'm supposed to be a recluse! Isn't that what we think of writers when we hear someone is a writer? That they stay inside 24/7 and never leave their home except to maybe pick up a few cans of soup and bread.
Well, that's hardly the kind of writer I am. And perhaps it's not the kind of writer you are either. I'm a busy mom, one who likes to be involved in my son's school and his social life. I'm a supportive wife. Plus I also freelance as an ad writer in the day to make a living till my screenplays can support my livelihood. And I guess, as much as I hate to admit it, I'm a social butterfly! I like friends. I like people! I like meeting new and interesting ones! But that doesn't go with being a writer who has their nose to the grindstone, or should I say, laptop.
So that means, I have to give up seeing friends and being social. And I think in the past, I felt kind of bad about it. I felt bad that I didn't make time to have lunch or see my favorite movies that are nominated for that year's Oscars. Heck, I used to be the person who saw every single Academy nominated movie so I could tell you if it deserved to win!
But as Steve Jobs said in his Stanford's 2005 graduation speech, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life … Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” And he's so right! I couldn't have said it better myself.
So this year, I'm giving myself the ability to not see my friends, that yes, I do love and miss. To not see every movie that's out. To make time for friends that have kids so at least I'm seeing my child at the same time and it's not added into my own writing time. To allow my child to play with his dad at times or have quiet time so I can squeeze in even a few more minutes of writing time, when before I felt obligated to entertain him.
Because, yes, I am a writer. And I want to be a paid screenwriter. I'm serious about this becoming how I make my living. And anything else that doesn't push me towards that goal, does not belong. So I'm choosing to live the life I think I'm supposed to be living. And my real friends, will understand. And if they don't, that's just going to have to be okay too.
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