What are you doing to move your writing career forward? Are you writing a new script? Are you working on an outline? Are you entering contests? Contacting managers? It doesn't matter what you're doing, but be doing something!
Jack Canfield in his Success Principles book talks about we should do 5 things every day that help us achieve our goal. Now, if I'm seeking a manager, contacting 5 managers every day, sure, could make it happen. But a lot of times managers don't want to hear from writers that have yet to succeed. So screenwriting doesn't always fit with that mold. But, there are ways around that. Perhaps it's taking another class to get your screenplays even stronger, so that you can enter contests, so that you can get the attention of those managers. Or maybe it's finding a new writing group, one that can really challenge you and make you a better writer. The key is to evaluate what your situation is, and ask yourself if it's propelling you towards the success you want.
Or maybe it's making a list of people you are friends with, or friends of friends with, who know people who know managers. A talented writing friend of mine queried a lot of managers and no one was interested. But then he found out a friend of his knew this manager, and that was how he got in. So even just moving forward on your goal can set the universe into action and make things happen in a way you didn't predict. So don't worry about wasting your time. You're never wasting your time if you're trying to achieve a goal and you're taking steps towards it.
Just have a plan, be clear about what you want, write it down, and go after it, every day. Eventually you will succeed.
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