Monday, January 16, 2012

Follow your dreams

So you want to be a writer huh? You want to follow your dreams? You know there are going to be a lot of people who look funny at you when they you tell them you want to be a writer. They'll take pity on you thinking you're some silly dreamer that needs to get a grip on life and should go get a real job. Well you know what I say to that? So what! We were not put on this earth to work in boring jobs and be miserable. Nope. We were put on this earth with a talent and to uncover that talent and follow our dreams. And if that dream is to become a writer, then do it. Ask any elderly person what they regret most, and that's not following their dreams. So do not be that person. Do not be that person that ends up in mid life crises panicked for going after a career but not being fulfilled.

Sure it will take sacrifices. Sure your friends might be traveling to exotic locals while you and your family have to have a staycation so you can afford to write. Sure your friends might live in a neighborhood you wish you could afford. Or perhaps they get to eat out at fancy sushi restaurants on a weekly basis while you're taking your family to Baja Fresh if you're lucky. Perhaps your computer isn't as new as theirs or your iphone isn't the latest model. But it doesn't matter! Because you're following your dream. And you're going to make it happen. And you're going to prove them all wrong by showing them following your dream can come true if you work hard enough.

Believe me, I've had maybe two friends that have supported me in my dreams. And those friends I cherish for that. And the others always kind of looked at me funny, like yeah right, you're going to succeed in this. But as I get closer and closer to success, guess what? They actually respect me now. And they say, "Good for you for working so hard for this." And one friend who was a huge TV producer, we have actually worked together on a few things now. And he definitely was one of those who kind of poo-pood me writing. And now he tells me, "You're a very talented writer." And it was so great to hear from someone who doubted me following my dream. There's nothing better proving it to those people. But that's not why I'm doing it. I'm doing it because I am a writer. I'm meant to be a writer. It's why I was put here on earth. So in honor of Martin Luther King day, which is today, follow your dreams. And make them come true.

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